Fitness After 50: 6 Tips to Stay Fit for Life

No matter where you are in life, healthy habits such as diet and exercise never lose their importance. But for those of us managing our health after the age of 50, fitness becomes an even more essential factor in daily life. It can reduce the impact of illness, enhance mobility and improve daily moods. In fact, a recent study published by JAMA suggested that regular moderate to vigorous exercise can also significantly reduce early mortality.
How can you get started on fitness after the age of 50? Here are 6 tips to get you moving more:
- Get started and keep going.
Consistency is key in creating a new workout routine. Commit to a regular schedule, even just a few times each week, to start building the habit. Encourage your children, spouse or friends to help keep you accountable.
- Mix in strength training and cardio.
After age 30, we begin to lose valuable muscle mass and flexibility, both of which can be preserved and even enhanced through an all-encompassing fitness program. A great way to combine these is by performing simple, yet effective circuit training workouts, keeping the heart rate elevated while engaging in strength training. Additionally, walking is a great and easy heart-healthy form of exercise. And there really is no better way to maximize the benefits of walking than by walking on a BowFlex® TreadClimber® cardio machine.
- Be active throughout the day.
Research has shown that short workouts throughout the day can deliver significant health benefits. Think about five minutes here or 10 minutes there.
- Start slow and progress gradually.
Fitness is never a race, even if you're training for one. Focus on building a base of strength that will help maintain daily activities, as well as weekend sporting pursuits.
- Incorporate functional fitness exercises.
In this age, the average life expectancy has reached a new record. However, it is not about how long we live, but rather the quality of those years that truly matters. Functional fitness is about training the body for daily routines. The exercises are crucial to keeping our muscles and bones strong, preserving our balance and coordination, and even enhancing the health of our brains so that we can enjoy our later years as much as possible.
- Keep up the nutrients.
Be sure to combat age-related sarcopenia, the loss of precious metabolically-active muscle, by taking in adequate daily protein. A great way to ensure you are getting enough is to complement your food sources (fish, lean meats, low-fat dairy) with healthy protein shakes.
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