The 10 Minute Pool Workout

The future of fitness is getting in quick, efficient workouts whenever and wherever you can. Since it’s summertime and you will most likely find yourself in a pool or two in the next few months, let’s add a pool workout to your repertoire.
Exercising in the water provides cardiovascular as well as full-body muscular benefits. The water adds buoyancy and a unique type of resistance that challenges the body in a low-impact environment. A pool workout is great for everybody, but especially beginner exercisers, seniors, and those rehabilitating existing injuries.
Here is a fun full-body pool workout you can sneak in the next time you are in the pool:
- Marching in Place: 2 minutes easy warm up: Pump your arms as well in a natural marching motion.
- Chest Claps: 1 minute: Hold arms straight out to the sides at chest height with palms facing forward. Repeat clapping your hands together.
- Press Backs: 1 minute: Hold arms straight out in front of you at chest height with palms facing away from each other. With a continuous breast stroke motion, press the water out to the side.
- Hip Sidekicks: 1 minute each leg: Standing sideways against the side of the pool, perform sidekicks with your outside leg.
- Butt Kicks: 1 minute each leg: Standing facing and holding onto the side of the pool, kick one leg straight behind you.
- Cool-Down Jog: 2 minutes: Jog moderately hard for one minute, then easy for one minute.