The BowFlex Summer Circuit Workout

Designed by BowFlex Fitness Advisor Tom Holland, this total-body circuit includes cardio and strength moves that torch calories and tone your body at the same time — helping you look your absolute best this summer. It involves no equipment and can be done anywhere at any time, regardless of your fitness level.
On vacation and want to take this circuit into the water? You can easily adjust this workout to either a pool or the ocean. Water adds a unique type of resistance that is easy on the joints, can burn more calories and keep you cool.
This workout is to be performed in a circuit format, alternating between cardio and strength movements. These bodyweight exercises should be done one time with each move lasting for one minute. When performing the exercises, go at your own pace and take breaks if you need to.
One circuit involves 12 bodyweight exercises, taking 12 minutes to complete. You can do one, two or three circuits in a row depending on your time available, fitness level and goals. You can take an optional 30-60 second rest in between circuits if you need to.

On land

In the water (waist-height)
Regular crunches

On land

In the water (waist-height)

On land

In the water. Cross your arms in front of you rather than over your head. You can do them in waist-high water with your arms above, or shoulder-high water with your arms submerged for added upper-body resistance.
Bicycle crunches

On land
Jump squats

In the water (waist-height)

On land
Alternating jabs

In the water (shoulder-high water with your arms submerged)
Glute bridges

On land
Running in place

In the water. Like the cross-jacks, you can do these in waist-high water with your arms above you, or in shoulder-high water with your arms fully submerged and pumping front to back.
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