Meet Laura Eid: The Ultimate Home Gym Giveaway Winner

Fitness didn’t always play a large role in Laura Eid’s life. She danced and attended some CrossFit classes while growing up, but her true passion for fitness began when a friend encouraged her to start living a healthier lifestyle. They began working out together via Skype while he was deployed in the military, and Laura’s 10-year-old son, who has unique needs, would watch, and occasionally join them.
Her friend was medically discharged and returned home sooner than expected after experiencing a spinal cord injury. Once physically together, their friendship blossomed into a romance and an eventual marriage. And even though her husband’s workout activities were limited, Laura didn’t stop her fitness journey. In fact, she accelerated it. She started attending gym classes, running, and participated in many local races including a half marathon — and of course her husband and son were at the finish line to cheer her on.
But with a husband and son who relied on her, the trips to the gym became too time consuming and took away from her precious family time. She stopped attending workout classes and began lacing up her spiked tennis shoes at 3:00 a.m. to run in the Minnesota snow before her family woke up.

Afterwards, around 5:30 a.m., she would leave for the hospital where she works as a child life specialist, helping kids cope through medical experiences. Laura works in surgery where she prepares patients for what to expect during procedures, helping reduce potential stress and trauma pediatric patients may encounter.
Needless to say, Laura has dedicated her life to taking care of others. It’s her passion – but she knows it is equally important that she take the time to care for herself.
“Working out brings me joy,” Laura says. “I enjoy lifting and utilize strength workouts to improve my running and mental health.”
Like many, Laura struggled to find her “me time” during the pandemic as her jobs as a caregiver and a child life specialist became even more critical. Looking for inexpensive ways to work out at home, Laura searched BowFlex’s website in hopes of tracking down a pair of the BowFlex SelectTech 552 Dumbbells. She stumbled upon the Ultimate Home Gym Giveaway, which promised one lucky winner a custom-designed Tuff Shed, stocked with BowFlex cardio and strength fitness products – valued at $20,775.
“I thought, ‘Well, hey, it's worth a shot.’ I mean, a home gym in my backyard!” Laura said. “We never even dreamed that would happen for us!”
But to Laura’s surprise, it did.
In mid-May, Laura received a phone call from BowFlex and Tuff Shed letting her know that she had been selected as the winner of the Ultimate Home Gym Giveaway.

“It means so much. It means I can be home more with my husband and child, fewer outdoor runs at 3 a.m., and teaching my son self-care and a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean that mom has to always leave the house,” Laura said. “It's an avenue for my husband to start to walk more, especially in winter when the sidewalks aren't as stable, and it's a place I can go – not just my living room – to enjoy fitness.”
Laura will have the chance to explore countless workouts with her new BowFlex cardio and strength equipment.
“I’m really excited to try the BowFlex VeloCore bike,” Laura said. “I’m thrilled that it leans side to side!”
As far as designing the Tuff Shed, Laura is still in the preliminary stages. However, she plans to install windows, so that natural light can shine through, as well as heating and insulation to combat Minnesota’s severe winters. Soon, Laura will meet with interior designer Cara Woodhouse to explore the variety of design options open to her with her Tuff Shed home gym.
Follow along on BowFlex’s social media channels, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest, as well as the Bowflex Insider blog to stay up to date with the latest and watch Laura’s home gym journey unfold.