The Three-Minute Perfect Plank Workout

There are few exercises that work the core as effectively as the plank, especially without having to use any equipment whatsoever. The traditional plank is unique in that it works the abdominals and the lower back at the same time - strengthening, toning and helping to alleviate back pain, all at once. By adding a few simple variations to your plank workout, we can enhance the powerful results even further. Here is a great "plank circuit" that you can do during the commercial break of your favorite television show:
The Plank Workout
Here's what the plank workout looks like. Each plank variation is held for 30 seconds:
- Plank
- Plank with leg raises
- Side plank on right arm
- Side plank on left arm
- Plank
- Spiderman Plank
If you need to take a break during one of the planks, just place your knees on the ground and rest for a bit, then once you're ready go back into the plank.
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