Fall Into Fitness: 4 Ways to Stay Motivated

We’ve all been there…the alarm goes off, it’s dark outside, and your bed feels so warm and cozy. So you hit snooze, pull the covers up, and decide your regularly scheduled workout can wait until tomorrow morning. Or you’re driving home from work, the sun is setting making 6 pm feel like 9 pm, so you drive right past the gym and home to your cozy couch.
This time of year, when the weather is getting cooler and the days are getting shorter, keeping a regular workout routine can be tough. Swimsuits are gone, sweaters are here to stay, and schedules seem to get busier with school, work, and holidays. Here are a few ways you can stay motivated when the seasons change.
Suit up
Compared to your bed at 6 am, the outside air will feel chilly, but its actually ideal weather for workouts! Invest in some quality moisture wicking workout wear to layer, and embrace the chill. You’ll sweat less, and you’ll burn more calories. Your body works harder to maintain its core temperature, meaning more calorie burn. Of course it’s minimal, and varies from person to person, but it’s true! If that’s not motivation enough, keep reading.
Find a workout buddy
Working out with a friend is not only fun, it holds you accountable. Make plans to take a class (and pay ahead if you can), meet for a run, or catch up over a hike on the weekend instead of drinks. If you can’t meet in person, be accountability buddies over text or email.
Fall is a time when many of our favorite TV shows return with new seasons, and we’d rather binge watch Netflix than head to the gym. Why not combine the two? Make a deal with yourself that you’ll spend that time moving AND enjoying your favorite entertainment. Hop on your treadmill or elliptical and catch up on a show, listen to your favorite podcast, or just jam out to your latest playlist.
Remember: less can be more, AND less can lead to more
One of my favorite sayings is, the only bad workout is the one you didn’t do. A short workout is still a workout and will benefit your body and brain whether it’s 5 minutes or 45 minutes. Getting a quick bodyweight circuit when you wake up or before bed, or even in the middle of your workday still strengthens, stretches and burns fat no matter the duration. And, that express workout often gets the blood flowing and endorphins going, leading you wanting to do more. Check out this 5 Move Bodyweight Circuit. Each move is designed to both strengthen and stretch your muscles and will also get your heart pumping for cardio, but is low impact so can be done anytime, anywhere.
Embrace the changing seasons as a time to set new goals and try new things. After all, the holidays will be here before we know it!
Strengthen and Stretch Bodyweight Workout:
- Walkout Pushup
- Side Lunge Twist
- Reverse Lunge Reach
- Bridge Lift and Dip
- Side Plank T Rotation
Do each move for 45 seconds, with 15 seconds rest. Go through once for a quick 5 minute workout, twice for 10 minutes, and so forth.
Want to add to your home gym, but don't have the room? Check out our SelectTech® Adjustable Dumbbells.
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